与Andrew Tew的5个问题:项目协调员对田径运动产生直接影响

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Program Coordinator for Athletics Andrew Tew joined Polk State College in March. During his brief time in the Athletics Department, Tew has played an instrumental role in modernizing the College’s athletics site, promoting the athletics teams, and organizing events.

Prior to his arrival, 图在位于莱克兰的东南大学(Southeastern University)待了六年,担任体育传播部副主任. 图负责通过社交媒体推广和营销该校的19个体育项目, website maintenance, photography, and play-by-play.

A graduate of Florida State University, 他为自己的工作感到自豪,并致力于体育部门和学院的整体成功. Tew resides in Lakeland with his wife Sydni and daughter Andi.

Where does your passion for athletics come from?

My passion for athletics started with my relationship with my dad. 和他在一起的许多核心记忆都围绕着在客厅里观看大学或职业体育赛事. Our family also always attended sporting events together as a form of family bonding, especially Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays games.

I think my familial ties to enjoying athletics, specifically with my dad are what ignited by passion for them. 我和爸爸每周还会谈论NFL、MLB和大学橄榄球的最新动态. 我父亲也一直是我上过或工作过的每一所学校的粉丝,澳门新葡京博彩也不例外.

Out of the over 300 sporting events I broadcasted at Southeastern, there are very few my dad missed tuning in to and if he wasn’t tuning in, he was likely attending in person. There is not an athletic event I watch or work where I do not think about him.

With athletics below the professional level or NCAA Division I, it can often be hard for student-athletes or teams to receive the recognition, media coverage, or community support they deserve. What is Polk State doing to bolster these things?

我认为有很多因素可以解释为什么小型学院和大学的学生运动员没有得到他们应得的报道. 我认为重要的是要强调澳门新葡京博彩的学生运动员绝对应该得到与一级项目学生运动员同等的待遇,因为他们在课堂上投入的时间, on the practice field, and in the weight room are the same and sometimes even more.

However, 我看到的一个小机构的主要问题是,在这些学校里,没有人能够宣传和讲述他们的学生运动员和教练的故事. Where there should be a bridge of a sports information director, media relations specialist, or social media manager between the programs and the community, there is often nothing. Sadly, 这些学校的许多管理人员要么觉得自己没有足够的资源来投资这一职位,要么就是根本看不到这一职位的价值.

Thankfully, at Polk State, President Dr. 安吉拉·加西亚·法尔科内蒂(Angela Garcia Falconetti)和我们的其他管理人员确实看到了让我们的学生运动员在社区内外得到良好推广的价值. In the short time I have been here, I have seen our department, under the leadership of Athletics Director Stanley Cromartie, 使一个巨大的体育网站重新设计为一个更有吸引力的平台与Sidearm体育, launch online live streaming of all of our home athletic events, and host the inaugural Athletics Fundraising Gala, 这不仅筹集了大量的财政资源,而且还将我们的项目推广给了我们社区中有影响力的人. 这些只是澳门新葡京博彩如何优先推广我们优秀的学生运动员并给予他们应得的报道的几个例子.

你在佛罗里达州立大学期间密切关注NCAA一级运动员,在来澳门新葡京博彩之前,你在NAIA东南大学工作. 与其他水平的运动员相比,大专运动员有什么独特或有趣的地方?

我认为大专体育运动的一个特别之处在于,它更像是一种草根运动,而不是四年制的体育运动. Coming from Southeastern, most of our student-athletes were transfer students. However, at Polk State we mostly bring in true freshmen right out of high school.

看到球员和我们的教练对18岁和19岁的球员的个人发展的影响是非常特别的,我认为这在大专水平上是独一无二的. 我也尊重我们的教练们在波尔克之后为我们的年轻人准备下一步的方法, 无论是让他们有能力在四年制大学里竞争——无论是在运动上还是在学术上——还是让他们在波尔克之后决定结束自己的职业生涯时,为不同的职业选择做好准备.

Your background is in athletics communications. As you have transitioned into more of an administrative role, what are some of the most important things you’ve learned? What have been the biggest challenges?

在东南大学,我从一个纯粹的沟通角色过渡到现在,学到了很多东西, to an administrative role here at Polk. 我已经了解到有多少幕后的细节,以使运动部门成功运作. 我很感激能够在AD Cromartie的领导下学习,感谢他给了我自由和信任,让我在许多不同的领域获得经验.

我认为体育资格一直是我最喜欢的行政角色之一,我有机会成长. 这是非常注重细节的,但对于我们的学生运动员来说,能够竞争是非常重要的. 我认为对我来说最大的挑战之一就是确定任务的优先顺序,并决定今天需要完成什么, tomorrow, or further down the road.

我喜欢思考创新的方式,我们可以继续发展作为一个部门,更好地促进我们的项目, 但我也必须管理好我的时间,确保那些对保持我们部门顺利运转至关重要的行政工作得到妥善处理.

What is the most rewarding part of working in athletics?

在体育领域工作最有意义的部分是看到学生运动员在你的项目中的转变和成长,从他们第一次踏入校园,到他们进入人生的下一个篇章. 我的“工作”本质上是帮助他们使他们在波尔克大学的学生运动员生涯对他们来说最有意义,并帮助他们讲述自己的故事.

Being able to help our young people feel seen, valued, and prepared for what comes after athletics is a great blessing to me.